NPSO 2012 Annual Meeting
Field Trip - Pacifica and Forestfarm Nursery
Leaders: Ray and Peg Prag. Founders of Pacifica, owners of Forestfarm Nursery.
Difficulty: Easy
Altitude Gain: 0’
Description: For those with a horticultural inclination, participants on this excursion will see many native plants in several habitats; it will be an easy-going day with no strenuous walking necessary. Websites:,
- 9:00-10:00. Join a hike on one or more of Pacifica’s mostly level trails (1 to 2 miles in length), OR relax by the man-made waterfall, OR take the short tours mentioned below.
- 10:00-11:00. Tour Pacifica’s new Western Native plant garden with a horticulturist who
can describe the plants to you, as well as help with native landscaping questions. There will be
- Take a tour of Pacifica: a non-profit committed to establishing and maintaining a botanic garden, nature center and educational facilities that support enjoyable handson learning: about plants and the environment, about music and the arts. 540 Acres. Brochure attached.
- Visit The Caterpillar, Pacifica’s mobile nature-science center that takes programs, including those about our native flora and fauna, to up to 7000 kids/yr. Brochure attached.
- 11:00-12:00+/- Bring a picnic lunch (or arrange for one ahead of time) to eat by the waterfall or in the “great room” of Steve Miller’s old studio, if possible.
- 12:00-2:00+/- Tour Forestfarm Nursery: though the nursery is generally only mail-order and not open to the public, you will have the option to buy plants IF you want. Begun as a native plant nursery, Forestfarm still grows 300-400 kinds of Western native plants, although now raising over 4000 other kinds of plants from around the world.
- 2:00-4:00+/- Car caravan on forest gravel roads over the Siskiyous Mountains between Williams and Selma, stopping to see Q. chrysolepis, Q. vaccinifolia, Q. sadleriana, Chrysolepis chrysophylla, Pinus attenuata and P. lambertiana, and lots of other mid-elevation (4,000 ft.) native trees and shrubs; perhaps lilies and azaleas will still have some flowers. Return to Selma in time to relax before the banquet.
Driving Directions: From Selma: Hwy 199 to Wilderville, Fish Hatchery Road to Murphy, turn onto Hwy 238 continue another 5 miles to a blinking speed light and two 90 turns in the highway; instead of taking the second turn (to the left), go straight onto Water Gap Rd (there is a fire station on the right and a sign that points to Williams); go straight for 2.3 miles; you’ll see Pacifica’s gate on the left. Welcome!
Start Time: 8:15 am - 4:00pm
RT Mileage: 60 miles
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