NPSO 2019 Annual Meeting

July 12-14     Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains

Field Trips

Saturday July 13, 2019    8:00 - 4:00                    Field Trip # 17

TJ Howell Botanical Drive and Babyfoot Lake

Babyfoot Lake in the Kalmiopsis Wilderness

Difficulty:     Moderate  (2.5 miles)

Elevation:     Trailhead about 4,400', with a 400' drop to Babyfoot Lake, and a 400' elevation gain on the way back to the trailhead.

Group Size Limit:     12

Bolander's lily (Lilium bolanderi) near Babyfoot Lake.

Trip Description:     Drive TJ Howell Botanical Drive in the Illinois River drainage, stopping along the way to explore rare and unusual plants influenced by serpentine geology. Then hike into the edge of the Kalmiopsis Wilderness to beautiful Babyfoot Lake, in the Chetco drainage, viewing more rare plants along the way, and witnessing some of the changes brought by the 2002 Biscuit and 2018 Klondike Fires. If we have time, we will stop at a Darlingtonia Board Walk on Eight Dollar Mountain.

Floristic Highlights:     Bolander's lily, Beargrass, Lewisia cotyledon, Penstemon rupicola, Sadler's oak, Brewer's spruce

Appropriate Footwear:     Sturdy footwear is advised. Bring walking sticks if you use them.

Special Considerations:     Bring sunscreen, sun protection, extra water and snacks.

Plant Lists:     A plant list for Days Gulch Fen and Babyfoot Lake Botanical Area is included within the document below that has detailed information about the area.

Meeting Place and Time:     Trip # 17 leaves at 8am from Pacifica.

Driving Directions:     From Pacifica drive north on Water Gap Road to Highway 238. Drive straight onto Highway 238 toward Murphy. Turn left onto Murphy Creek Road and then immediately turn right onto Southside Road. Turn left onto Fish Hatchery Road. At Wilderville turn left onto Old Redwood Highway. Turn left onto Highway 199 and drive through Selma. After Selma turn right onto Eight Dollar Mountain Road and drive 14 miles to the Babyfoot Lake Trailhead.

Driving miles from Pacifica to trailhead:     47 miles one way to Babyfoot Lake Trailhead via Murphy and Wilderville

Leader:       Lee Webb

Lee Webb was the Forest Wildlife Biologist for the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest for almost 30 years. He retired in 2004. Forest Planning, and management of Endangered, Threatened, and Sensitive species were important facets of his work.

Siskiyou lewisia (Lewisia cotyledon) near Babyfoot Lake.

View into the Kalmiopsis from TJ Howell Botanical Drive.

Babyfoot Lake

Rhododendron and post-fire conifer regeneration along the Babyfoot Lake Trail.

Klamath Daisy (Erigeron klamathensis) near Babyfoot Lake.