NPSO 2019 Annual Meeting
July 12-14 Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains
Field Trips
Saturday July 13, 2019 8:30 - 4:00 Field Trip # 21
Big Red Mountain (summit)
Difficulty: Difficult (Approximately 1 mile round trip) - Strenuous off trail
Elevation: Starting around 6,500' this trip will hike off trail to the top of Big Red Mountain at 6,987', for a total elevation gain of approximately 487 feet.
Group Size Limit: 15
Trip Description: Get off the beaten path and explore unique botany and geology on the ultramafic soils of Big Red Mountain with an off-trail trip to the summit where participants will take in amazing views of the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains. Special attention to pollinator-plant interactions will also be highlighted along the way.
The serpentine geology and subalpine elevation combined with the geographic location along the Siskiyou crest makes for an excellent location to observe pollinators of low vegetation such as hill-topping butterflies and native bees. Hike participants will learn how animals from insects to birds have co-evolved unique pollination systems with the vegetation of Big Red mountain.
To get the most out of pollinator observations, hikers are encouraged to bring close focusing binoculars and/or cameras. We will be observing pollination in action and identifying pollinator groups to the family level, but we won't be catching or confining any pollinators. This hike is moderate to difficult with off trail hiking and moderately steep elevation gain.
Field trip participants will be treated to an introduction to the geology of the Siskiyou Mountains and Big Red Mountain by geologist Jad D'Allura. Jad will give the geology introduction at Wrangle Gap to both field trips that will be on Big Red Mountain that day: Big Red Mountain summit and Big Red Mountain PCT. After the geology introduction, the two groups will part ways and head in different directions to botanize on Big Red Mountain.
Floristic Highlights: Castilleja schizotricha, Horkelia hendersonii, Epilobium siskiyouense, Lewisia leana, Erigeron petrophilus, Astragalus whitneyi var. siskiyouense, Dicentra uniflora, Allium siskiyouense, Triteleia crocea
Appropriate Footwear: Sturdy footwear is advised.
Special Considerations: High clearance vehicles are recommended.
No facilities at the trail head. There is a pit toilet at Wrangle Camp.
We will be on a high elevation ridge with sun and wind exposure. Prepare and stock your vehicle and backpack appropriately. Bring sun protection, extra water and snacks; binoculars and cameras are welcome. You can fill your gas tank in Murphy, Williams, or Applegate. Bring trekking poles if you use them.
trip number = 21 starttime= 8:30am from= Pacifica
Meeting Place and Time: Trip # 21 leaves at 8:30am from Pacifica.
Alternate Meeting:
To accomodate trip members who aren't staying at Pacifica, this trip will also pick up members at its first stop at Star Ranger Station at 9am, (6941 Upper Applegate Road).
Driving Directions: Directions to Wrangle Gap and the Big Red Mountain PCT Trailhead:
From Pacifica, head right (southerly) across the Applegate River and through the town of Applegate on HWY 238 about 18 miles. Turn right on Hamilton and go past Cantrall-Buckley County Park. Turn right on Upper Applegate Road 7.5 miles to Beaver Creek Road (Road 20) and turn left. Eventually Road 20 turns to gravel. Turn left at the Silver Fork Gap intersection, still on Road 20, towards Dutchman Peak. At Jackson Gap turn left on Road 20 and head (north) to the PCT parking area at Wrangle Gap. Note: Road 20 contains washboard sections and is a bit rough and narrow near Dutchman Peak; it is still passable in regular cars, although best in AWD or 4WD.
Driving miles from Pacifica to trailhead: 40 miles one way from Pacifica. (Drive time about 1 hour and 25 minutes.)
Leader: John Villella
John Villella has worked as a rare plant botanist in the Pacific Northwest for the last two decades, working in the Siskiyou Mountains since 2007. In addition to plants, he has a special interest in lichens and invertebrates.