NPSO 2019 Annual Meeting

July 12-14     Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains

Field Trips

Saturday July 13, 2019    8:15 - 4:30                    Field Trip # 11

Chrome Ridge

Chrome Ridge

Difficulty:     Easy  (1-2 miles) - The peridotite inclusion is relatively flat. The surrounding area is steep.

Elevation:     The elevation will generally be around 4,000 feet, with only 100 to 200 feet of elevation change as we slowly inspect the flora and environment.

Group Size Limit:     15

Bolander's lily (Lilium bolanderi)

Trip Description:     Chrome Ridge is an ancient sea floor serpentine ridge with spectacular views and interesting botany. The trip will explore serpentine barrens, Jeffrey pine savanna and the effects of the 2018 Klondike-Taylor Fire. Participants will see rare and endemic serpentine wildflowers in the Illinois River Watershed. We will access Chrome Ridge from Galice. Restrooms will be available along the way at Sam Brown Campground.

Chrome Ridge is located in the old Siskiyou National Forest, now the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest.

Floristic Highlights:     Port Orford cedar, huckleberry oak, common juniper, beargrass, bog orchid, spotted coralroot, striped coralroot, twinflower, white-veined wintergreen, racemoce soloman's seal, starry soloman's seal, lady slipper, Bolander's lily

Appropriate Footwear:     Sturdy footwear is advised.

Special Considerations:     Please be prepared for open and sunny ridgeline habitat. Bring water, boots, sun protection and snacks. Bring trekking poles if you use them.

Plant Lists:     Please see the link below for a partial plant list for Chrome Ridge.

trip number = 11 starttime= 8:15 from= Pacifica

Meeting Place and Time:     Trip # 11 leaves at 8:15 from Pacifica.

Alternate Meeting:     To accomodate trip members who aren't staying at Pacifica, this trip will also pick up members at its first stop at The old Merlin Elementary School at 9:00, (310 Merlin Road across from the Shell station Merlin, OR. ).

Driving Directions:     Chrome Ridge is about 30 miles from Merlin, OR. Paved roads to Sam Brown Campground, then typical FS logging roads.

Driving miles from Pacifica to trailhead:     53 miles one way from Pacifica.

Leader:       Dr. Tom Atzet

Dr. Tom Atzet was raised in the California Mountains near the Mexican border (Campo) where the beautiful California kingsnakes & Pacific diamondbacks competed for nourishment with mountain lions. Tom attended a small high school (13 in the senior class). Colleges: University of California LA, Humboldt State University, Oregon State University (Ph.D. in forest ecology). His research focus was in forestry, botany, physiological ecology and forest ecology. Tom has extensive experience in forestry, ecology, and genetics in Southwest Oregon with the Bureau of land Management, State of Oregon, U.S. Forest Service, and some private consulting.

Chrome Ridge

Chrome Ridge

Port-Orford-cedar (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana)

Juniperus communis sprouting back in serpentine after the 2002 Biscuit Fire.

Chrome Ridge