NPSO 2019 Annual Meeting

July 12-14     Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains

Field Trips

Sunday July 14, 2019    9:00 - 3:00                    Field Trip # 34

Whisky Peak    TRIP IS FULL

The view from Whisky Peak

Difficulty:     Moderate  (2 miles) - A little bit steep but short and sweet!

Elevation:     We will start at 5,900' and hike to the top of Whisky Peak at 6,489' for a total elevation gain of 589' in a half mile one way.

Group Size Limit:     15

Alaska yellow-cedar (Callitropsis nootkatensis) near Whisky Peak.

Trip Description:     Botanize the Whisky Peak Botanical Area!

This is a short but steep half-mile trail up an old jeep track at first, and a single-track trail, leading first near a rugged and dramatic saddle, and then switching back and ascending the summit where the old foundation of the Whisky Peak Lookout still remains. This summit will provide grand views of the Red Buttes Wilderness in the foreground and the high Siskiyou and southern Cascade mountain peaks in the distance.

If we have time we will also visit a nearby stand of Alaska yellow-cedar, one of the southernmost stands among the few stands in the Siskiyou Mountains. We may also walk out the ridge to view a dry meadow if time allows.

Whisky Peak is located at the headwaters of the Applegate River within the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest.

Whisky Peak summit hosts the remains of the foundation of the old Whisky Peak Lookout, built by the CCC in the 1930s and inhabited through snowbound winters by members of the Aircraft Warning Service during World War II.

Whisky Peak is known for spectacular flower displays and amazing views. The peak's central location, prominent summit, and easy access make the trip a great introduction to the wildflowers and peaks of the Applegate Siskiyous.

Floristic Highlights:     Alaska yellow-cedar, Siskiyou lewisia, penstemons, saxifrages, monkey flowers, paint brush, larkspur, triteleia, coyote mint, sedum, senecio, and lomatium. Bring a hand lens.

Appropriate Footwear:     Sturdy footwear is advised.

Special Considerations:     Although the Forest Service roads are in mostly good shape, high clearance vehicles are recommended. Parking is limited at the trailhead. Full cars in the carpool will be necessary. Bring trekking poles if you use them.

Plant Lists:     There are no known plant lists for Whisky Peak.

trip number = 34 starttime= 9am from= Pacifica

Meeting Place and Time:     Trip # 34 leaves at 9am from Pacifica.

Alternate Meeting:     To accomodate trip members who aren't staying at Pacifica, this trip will also pick up members at its first stop at The Applegate Store at 9:15am, (15095 Hwy 238, Applegate OR).

Driving miles from Pacifica to trailhead:     40 miles one way from Pacifica (Drive time about 1 hour and 20 minutes.)

Leaders:       Jason Clark & Jay D. Scelza

Buck Peak in the Red Buttes Wilderness as seen near Whisky Peak.

Dry meadows near Whisky Peak with the Red Buttes Wilderness in the background.

Siskiyou lewisia - Lewisia cotyledon

Whisky Peak

Curl leaf mountain mahogany (Cercocarpus ledifolius) on Whisky Peak